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Handheld version (Palm OS)

A Palm OS-based Worklog is on its way!

Feature plans for the Palm OS-version include all the features currently available/planned in the desktop version, except for report generation, meaning you can add/edit/delete clients, projects, activities and (of course) worklog entries.

Conduits for syncing worklog data are planned for all major operating systems, including Linux, OS/2 and even (!) Windows.

There is no release available yet; if interested, you can browse the code in CVS on the Worklog page . If you want to compile the code, you need the following:

Get the code from CVS and type "make" to compile it.

The handheld version of Worklog requires Palm OS 3.0 or later.

As the desktop (Java based) version, Worklog for the Palm OS is not public domain. It is released under the terms of the GPL, Copyright © 2002 by Markus Mueller.